Review: Günter Burkart & Jürgen Wolf (Eds.) (2002). Lebenszeiten. Erkundungen zur Soziologie der Generationen [Life Course. Investigation Into the Sociology of Generations]


  • Stefanie Große



life course research, generation research, survey research, multivariate analyses, interpretive approaches in the social sciences, fieldwork, narrative interview, autobiographical narrative, biographical research


This book consists of 26 articles and introduces the reader to different fields, methods and aspects of life course and generation research. It is published on the occasion of Martin KOHLI's 60th birthday and focuses on his research program. Most of the authors of the articles are personally involved and committed to his research program. Despite some critical remarks mentioned in this review, altogether this book is enriching to the field. It is also appealing for non-experts because even the basic concepts of life course research are discussed. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401265


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Author Biography

Stefanie Große

Stefanie GROßE, 2002 Abschluss in Pädagogik, Soziologie und Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie (M.A.), anschließend wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt "Biographisches Lernen junger Frauen und Doing-Gender-Prozesse in den Statuspassagen zur Erwerbsarbeit", seit November 2003 Promotionsstipendiatin der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Thema: "Zum lebensgeschichtlichen Stellenwert kritischer Lebensereignisse. Eine qualitative Längsschnittstudie zu biographischen Lernprozessen im Verlauf der Statuspassagen Ausbildung/Beruf sowie Partnerschaft/Familie".



How to Cite

Große, S. (2004). Review: Günter Burkart & Jürgen Wolf (Eds.) (2002). Lebenszeiten. Erkundungen zur Soziologie der Generationen [Life Course. Investigation Into the Sociology of Generations]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(1).



Methodology and Methods