Conference Report: 7th "QualiZüri" Networking Day for Qualitative Researchers


  • Sandra Lang ETH Zürich
  • Daniela Seibert STH Basel



interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, research groups, pragmatism, grounded theory methodology, ethnography, data archiving, digitization, research policy


The heterogeneous community of qualitative social research, which is little institutionalized throughout Switzerland, met in Zurich for the seventh time last year to discuss current challenges and debates in the field of qualitative research. This time, the event focused on the importance of interdisciplinarity in qualitative research regarding translation between specialized terminology, as well as methods, concepts, and theories. Key questions were: What does the increased demand for qualitative social research without parallel institutionalization in terms of quality assurance mean? What opportunities and risks arise? Which potentials arise from the convergence of various research traditions and disciplines in the research process? The participants of the Networking Day concluded that qualitative social research is facing the same challenges as seen in general science policy. On the one hand, there are opportunities for an increased establishment of qualitative research in interdisciplinary contexts, on the other hand there is a danger for scientists in the qualification phase to lose a clear professional positioning and to fall "between the cracks" of the academic communities.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Lang, ETH Zürich

Sandra LANG ist derzeit an der ETH Zürich als Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftsforschung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte der Chemie und Pharmazie beschäftigt. In ihrem wissenschaftssoziologischen Dissertationsprojekt untersucht sie auf qualitativem Wege den Wandel der chemischen Felder im Zuge der Molekularisierung der Life Sciences.

Daniela Seibert, STH Basel

Daniela SEIBERT ist Doktorandin im Fachbereich Praktische Theologie an der Staatsunabhängigen Theologische Hochschule (STH) Basel. In ihrem Promotionsprojekt untersucht sie non-familiale Intergenerationalität in Kirchengemeinden. Bei der Peer-Mentoring-Gruppe QualiZüri ist sie im Strategie- und Organisationsteam und Ansprechperson für an der Forschungswerkstatt Interessierte.



How to Cite

Lang, S., & Seibert, D. (2019). Conference Report: 7th "QualiZüri" Networking Day for Qualitative Researchers. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 20(2).