Strategies in Using a Qualitative Database for the Analysis of Problem-centered Interviews
evaluation, text databank, problem-centered interviews, prospective longitudinal study, young adults, biography shapingAbstract
On the basis of several examples from our longitudinal study "Transitions to Employment," dealing with the shaping of biography of young adults and typical transition-patterns from education to employment, we discuss the use of a text databank in the evaluation of problem-centered interviews. First, we explain the structure of the project's "databank of biographical interviews with young adults" which is founded on a thematic and temporarily differentiating system of categories recording job- and family-related actions and orientations. We present different ways of using the databank in qualitative evaluation. The manner how certain cases and categories of the databank are selected and included in the analysis depends on the objective and the problem's complexity. Our examples show that the use of a databank is an important possibility to support the evaluation of qualitative interviews, facilitating a thematic directed access and thus allowing the handling of data which are particularly extensive. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0003183Downloads
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How to Cite
Kühn, T., & Witzel, A. (2000). Strategies in Using a Qualitative Database for the Analysis of Problem-centered Interviews. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(3).
Creation and Transmission of Qualitative Data Bases: Access and Documentation
Copyright (c) 2000 Thomas Kühn, Andreas Witzel

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