The Shared Construction of Texts
Communicating history, historical consciousness, National Socialism, intersubjective production of text, Symbolic Interactionism, Objective Hermeneutic, Hermeneutic Dialogue Analysis, Grounded Theory, qualitative content analysis, WinMaxAbstract
This paper discusses methodological questions raised in the context of a multigenerational study on the historical consciousness of the national socialist past in Germany. It focuses on an often underestimated aspect, namely that communication—especially if it is about National Socialism—implies, that its contents and "results" are jointly produced by its protagonists in the course of interaction. Accordingly, the intersubjective creation of the data is considered to be a crucial issue in qualitative analyses. The Hermeneutic Dialogue Analysis is introduced as a method to identify and examine these negotiation processes. In addition, content analytic methods are presented and preliminary results of the research project "Traditions of Historical Consciousness" are reported. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0002112Downloads
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How to Cite
Jensen, O. (2000). The Shared Construction of Texts. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(2).
German Qualitative Psychology
Copyright (c) 2000 Olaf Jensen

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