"Ah Mom, What's Happened to You?!" A Grounded Theory-Study about Repositioning in the Relationship Between Elderly Parents and Their Adult, Care-Giving Children
aging, care-giving, parent-child relationship, change of relationship, filial repositioning, grounded theoryAbstract
When elderly people can no longer lead independent lives their adult daughters and sons often take on an important role as caregivers. The adoption of new tasks and roles changes the parent-child relationship. This does not lead, however, to a complete role-reversal, some characteristics of the relationship and roles remain unchanged. This contribution reconstructs the changes of the parent-child relationship from the perspective of caring adult children. The methodological approach is based on Grounded Theory. I have developed a theoretical model of filial repositioning. Different change levels of acting and of relationship are described. Strategies used by parents and children are presented. Context factors concerning relationships and health status affect the process of repositioning and the strategies of parents and children. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0603253Downloads
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How to Cite
Dieris, B. (2006). "Ah Mom, What’s Happened to You?!" A Grounded Theory-Study about Repositioning in the Relationship Between Elderly Parents and Their Adult, Care-Giving Children. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(3). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-7.3.144
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Copyright (c) 2006 Barbara Dieris

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