Review: Martina Schuegraf (2008). Medienkonvergenz und Subjektbildung. Mediale Interaktionen am Beispiel von Musikfernsehen und Internet [The Convergence of the Media and the Development of Self. Media Interactions by Example of Music TV and the Internet]
convergent media, media usage, teenagers, music TV, feminism, surfing pattern, case study, grounded theory methodologyAbstract
Martina SCHUEGRAF's doctoral thesis, "Media Convergence and the Development of Self," examines the media convergence process from the perspective of media usage by teenagers and young adults. The analysis begins with a review of media consumption and asks how action of combined media usage becomes a part of teenagers' everyday lives using the case of Music TV and the Internet. SCHUEGRAF thus aims to study the behavior of teenagers and young adults in the light of media- and culture-related usage. The analysis is based on focused interviews and observations of Internet surfing patterns. The young adults' interactions and surfing patterns are used to explain the development of their "self." By merging two traditions of research the author sheds new light on the subject of convergent media usage of teenagers and young adults. URN:
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How to Cite
Welker, M. (2010). Review: Martina Schuegraf (2008). Medienkonvergenz und Subjektbildung. Mediale Interaktionen am Beispiel von Musikfernsehen und Internet [The Convergence of the Media and the Development of Self. Media Interactions by Example of Music TV and the Internet]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(1).
FQS Reviews
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