How to Compare Specificity, Build Concepts, and Change Theory: A Creative Methodology to Grasp Urbanization Processes
comparative urbanism, planetary urbanization, historiographic approach, collaborative research, grounded theory methodology, transductive approach, ethnography, mappingAbstract
In a range of comparative methods that have emerged in recent years, scholars were increasingly drawing on innovative approaches to engage with today's diverse and complex urban worlds. Yet few researchers to date—in the field of urban studies or in spatial disciplines in general—have focused on the design and implementation of comparative inquiry. With this article, I seek to contribute to these current debates by presenting the specific methodology developed in the framework of the research project Patterns and Pathways of Planetary Urbanization. The main questions are: How can the spatiality of large urban territories be empirically studied? How can urbanization processes be analyzed comparatively? To tackle these questions, I focus on our experiences of putting the comparative procedure to work, drawing on a complementary set of ethnographic, cartographic, and historiographic methods useful for a creative, transdisciplinary, and more collaborative study of urbanization. I conclude with a call for a broad discussion of methodology and its theoretical implications by emphasizing the intrinsic link between crafting new methods and the generation of comparative concepts.
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