Mapping a Way Into Qualitative Inquiry: Reflections on Learning and Teaching Clarke's Situational Analysis


  • Sarah B. Evans-Jordan Norwegian University of Science and Technology



situational analysis, theory/methods package, mapping, qualitative social research, qualitative methods instruction


In this essay I make a case for Adele CLARKE's situational analysis as an example of a theory/methods package which can help those approaching qualitative social research from professional fields not traditionally associated with qualitative methods to produce relevant and new knowledge. I base both my argumentation and my personal reflections in this text on my own experience as a newcomer to qualitative social research from professional fields at the intersection of medicine and language. I first discuss what theory/methods packages are and how they matter to all scientific work. I then give a brief introduction to situational analysis, with special emphasis on those aspects which I find particularly helpful to learners of qualitative social research. Lastly, I share some reflections about learning and teaching situational analysis and suggest approaches to its application to postgraduate research methods instruction.


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Author Biography

Sarah B. Evans-Jordan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Sarah B. EVANS-JORDAN is a doctoral fellow at the Department of Public Health and Nursing at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In her dissertation work she uses CLARKE's situational analysis to study the origins and evolutions of newborn screening activities at the intersection of medical technological development, social control, and political regulation. Her research and teaching interests include social justice topics in health care and technology development, situational analysis, critical interactionism, philosophy of science, and qualitative social research methods.


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How to Cite

Evans-Jordan, S. B. (2023). Mapping a Way Into Qualitative Inquiry: Reflections on Learning and Teaching Clarke’s Situational Analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 24(2).



Social Worlds, Arenas, and Situational Analyses: Theoretical Debates and Practical Research Experiences