An Exploration of Practical Reflexivity: Navigating Categories in Research Encounters
reflexive categories, categorization, qualitative research, reflexivity, practical reflexivity, migration studies, intimate relationships, race and ethnicityAbstract
In this article I explore the potential of practical reflexivity of handling categories applied by social researchers, drawing on my ongoing doctoral project in which I employ a qualitative ethnographic approach. By integrating various ways of perceiving reflexivity, including migration studies, research on intimate relationships, and feminist theory, I demonstrate ways to view research settings as encounters that enable dialogue and an atmosphere of listening. Two categories, Afghan and marriage, which emerged as significantly multifaceted in my doctoral project serve as examples for this exploration of practical reflexivity. I illustrate the impact of individuals' perception of being seen as Afghan in a broader societal and political context, and I show the opportunity to reflect on the category of marriage during interview settings using dialogue with interlocutors. By establishing practical ways to incorporate reflexivity, I contribute to the growing research field of intimate relationships in a migration context, where a critical stance towards categories is infrequently employed. This also contributes to the field of applied reflexivity in migration studies. I argue that an unreflexive use of categories may lead to the reproduction of discriminatory practices and Eurocentrism, and that scholars, especially when working with marginalized groups, must assume the responsibility of questioning categories often taken for granted.
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