Children's Rights in the Western Positivistic Model of Knowledge Production
social policies, right of the childhood, development of the early childhood, human development, knowledge, organization, identity, positive state, citizenshipAbstract
This paper is an exploration of the universal activity of perceiving daily experience. The aim is to understand complex processes such as the social organization, origins of inequality and injustice, and the individual and collective participation and responsibilities in such processes with special emphasis on children’s rights. The identification of the knowledge-organization-identity subsystem that propels human development and its background in philosophy, physics and biology served as the conceptual framework for this exploration. This framework was used for unfolding a critique of the Western positivistic model of knowledge production, based on the analysis of power, ethics, and legal subsystem roles. Subsequently, children’s rights are analyzed from a global perspective that demands the construction of new conceptual approaches. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0601250Downloads
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How to Cite
Arturo Capomassi, E. A. (2006). Children’s Rights in the Western Positivistic Model of Knowledge Production. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(1).
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Copyright (c) 2006 Eduardo A. Arturo Capomassi

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