Living Stories: The Role of the Researcher in the Narration of Life
narrative inquiry, ethics, autobiography, embodied stories, creativity, extended consciousness, storytelling, social researchAbstract
Narrative inquiry has the advantage of being able to reveal the "inner life" of the analytical text that is usually obscured—a powerful addition to the researcher's toolbox. The interpretive character of narrative takes us beyond reportage and recording of data. This contribution discusses ethical questions emerging from taking a narrative turn in social research, and asks, "Who owns stories once they are told? Can the telling of a "true" story always be considered ethically sound?" The shaping and ownership of meaning is a crucial consideration for researchers in cross-disciplinary domains and cannot be isolated from aesthetic considerations—whether a story sounds good or adds weight to an argument. This article deals with ethical considerations as they relate to specific work with specific people, and with how engagement in creative processes in research becomes a contributing element in the ethical life of the narrator. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs080337Downloads
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How to Cite
Yardley, A. (2008). Living Stories: The Role of the Researcher in the Narration of Life. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(3).
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Copyright (c) 1970 Ainslie Yardley

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