Review Essay: Karl Schlögel Reads Time in Space: Tracing Old Paths Towards New Horizons


  • Sina Lucia Kottmann



space, time, spatial turn, topology of culture, body, landscape, memory, global de-bordering, local anchoring, interdisciplinary collaboration


History does not only happen in time, but in space as well." Karl SCHLÖGEL, expert in Eastern European history, Slavist, sociologist and philosopher, uncovers an astonishing deficit within the historical sciences: the indifference towards the physical and spatial dimension of its subjects. He feels that the time is ripe to strengthen the category "space." Space should again be placed in the midst of "time" in order to emphasize—in correspondence to the Zeitgeist of stronger interdisciplinary collaboration—the inseparable connection and mutual influence between both entities: time and space. SCHLÖGEL speaks of a "spatial turn" of the reading of mental and territorial maps, of surface adhesion and topographic structures. Through what he describes as "eye-work," he tries to create a translucent image of European history. His book is to be read as a forward-groping exploration through both—historical "spaces" and present "landscapes" of scientific research—which overlay the natural physical surroundings. His is an appeal to sharpen the senses, to widen perspectives—a request to empirical research to be courageous in a global epoch of simultaneity of the non-simultaneous. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0502128


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Author Biography

Sina Lucia Kottmann

Sina Lucia KOTTMANN, M.A., Studium der Ethnologie, Vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft, Romanischen Philologie und Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaften in Tübingen. Im Juli diesen Jahres beginnt sie ihre Promotion im Fach Ethnologie mit empirischen Forschungen zur Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos in Südspanien. Seit 2000 ist sie initiierend, schreibend und forschend in verschiedene Projektzusammenhänge der Forschung und des interkulturellen Austauschs zum/im euromediterranen Raum eingebunden (Tübingen, Stuttgart, Berlin, Aix-en-Provence/Frankreich, Granada/Spanien, Kairo/Ägypten). Ihr besonderes Interesse gilt der Begegnung zwischen muslimischen und christlichen Kulturen im Mittelmeerraum, insbesondere Spanien-Marokko, sowie den symbolischen (Körper-) Praktiken, synkretistischen Ästhetiken und Diskursen, die aus dieser wechselseitigen Einflussnahme erwachsen.



How to Cite

Kottmann, S. L. (2005). Review Essay: Karl Schlögel Reads Time in Space: Tracing Old Paths Towards New Horizons. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 6(2).