Critical Discourse Analysis. The Elaboration of a Problem Oriented Discourse Analytic Approach After Foucault
FOUCAULT, PÊCHEUX, LINK, discourse theory, discourse analysis, methodology, structuralism, discourse, linguistics, poststructuralism, interdiscourse, critical discourse analysisAbstract
Abstract: The German discourse researcher Siegfried JÄGER from Duisburg is the first to have published a German-language book about the methodology of discourse analysis after FOUCAULT. JÄGER integrates in his work the discourse analytic work of Jürgen LINK as well as the interdisciplinary discussion carried on in the discourse analytic journal "kultuRRevolution" (Journal for Applied Discourse Analysis). JÄGER and his co-workers were associated with the Duisburger Institute for Language Research and Social Research (DISS, see for 20 years, developing discourse theory and the methodology of discourse analysis. The interview was done via e-mail. It depicts the discourse analytic approach of JÄGER and his co-workers following the works of FOUCAULT and LINK. The interview reconstructs JÄGERs vita and his academic career. Further topics of the interview are the agenda of JÄGERs discourse studies, methodological considerations, the (problematic) relationship between FOUCAULDian discourse analysis and (discourses), linguistics, styles and organization of research and questions concerning applied discourse analytic research as a form of critical intervention. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0603219Downloads
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How to Cite
Diaz-Bone, R. (2006). Critical Discourse Analysis. The Elaboration of a Problem Oriented Discourse Analytic Approach After Foucault. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(3).
FQS Interviews
Copyright (c) 2006 Rainer Diaz-Bone

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