Editorial: Social Worlds, Arenas, and Situational Analyses: Theoretical Debates and Experiences From Research Practice


  • Ursula Offenberger Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Renate Baumgartner Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Tamara Schwertel Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
  • Olaf Tietje Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München
  • Sarah Beth Evans-Jordan Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Birte Kimmerle Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen




In this article, we introduce our special issue on the topic of "Social Worlds, Arenas, and Situational Analyses." We start by giving short introductions of situational analysis and of social worlds/arenas theory. By addressing both the commonalities between the individual articles as well as their distinctive features in terms of four thematic areas, we demonstrate the potential of situational analysis and of social worlds/arenas theory.


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Author Biographies

Ursula Offenberger, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Ursula OFFENBERGER is a junior professor at the Methods Center of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Tübingen and heads the Qualitative Methods and Interpretative Social Research Unit. Her research interests include grounded theory methodology and situational analysis, gender studies, and science and technology studies.

Renate Baumgartner, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Renate BAUMGARTNER works as post-doctoral researcher at the Center of Gender and Diversity Research at the University of Tübingen. She conducts research in (feminist) science and technology studies, especially on AI in healthcare and medicine.

Tamara Schwertel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Tamara SCHWERTEL is a fellow of the Graduate School "Life Sciences—Life Writing" in Mainz and an associated member of the graduate school "Doing Transition" in Frankfurt/M. She is pursuing a doctorate from a medical sociological perspective on deep brain stimulation. She studied sociology, political science, and philosophy in Frankfurt, Paris and Lyon. Her research interests are qualitative methods of social research, sociology of health and illness, and science, technology, and medicine studies.

Olaf Tietje, Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München

Olaf TIETJE is a research associate (post-doc) at the Institute of Sociology at the LMU Munich. In his research, he focuses on labor, gender studies, migration studies, social participation, and qualitative methods.

Sarah Beth Evans-Jordan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Sarah B. EVANS-JORDAN is a doctoral fellow at the Department of Public Health and Nursing at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In her dissertation work she uses CLARKE's situational analysis to study the origins and evolutions of newborn screening activities at the intersection of medical technological development, social control, and political regulation. Her research and teaching interests include social justice topics in health care and technology development, situational analysis, critical interactionism, philosophy of science, and qualitative social research methods.

Birte Kimmerle, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Birte KIMMERLE is a PhD student at the University of Witten/Herdecke, and as a research associate she works in the Department of Nursing Science at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tübingen. She researches, writes, and teaches in the fields of nursing science, public health, pediatric nursing, child and family health nursing, early childhood intervention, and professionalization of the nursing profession. In her dissertation, she uses situational analysis to investigate how a professional orientation in nursing is differentiating and a new field of work is developing.


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How to Cite

Offenberger, U., Baumgartner, R., Schwertel, T., Tietje, O., Evans-Jordan, S. B., & Kimmerle, B. (2023). Editorial: Social Worlds, Arenas, and Situational Analyses: Theoretical Debates and Experiences From Research Practice. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 24(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-24.2.4085



Social Worlds, Arenas, and Situational Analyses: Theoretical Debates and Practical Research Experiences

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