Blinded by the Lights. Improvisational Theater as a Method for Researching Regional Identities
Improvisational theater, performativity, qualitative research methods, art-based research, regional identity, human geographyAbstract
We explore how improvisational (improv) theater can be used to illuminate the everyday performance of regional identity. This can help manage reactivity-related and counter-performative effects during qualitative research. By utilizing improv theater as a performative qualitative method, we highlight its analytical potential. We identify methodological gaps in existing qualitative research and human geography studies, and we propose a methodological framework for integrating improvisational theater into research practice. Participants of improv theater-workshops draw on personal and collective experiences rooted in their personal backgrounds to evoke emotions related to their home regions. By engaging in spontaneous and unscripted performances, individuals express nuanced perceptions of regional identity that may elude traditional qualitative approaches. Ultimately, we illuminate the complex interplay between individuals and the transformative potential of improvisational theater.
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