The Use of New Technology in Qualitative Research. Introduction to Issue 3(2) of FQS
CAQDAS, computer assisted qualitative data analysis, images, video, digital data, validity, reliability, coding, code and retrieve, XML, qualitative modelsAbstract
As society transforms and is transformed by new technology, so there are new ways in which qualitative researchers collect and analyse data and new forms of data to collect. This paper sets in context the contributions in this issue of FQS by examining these developments. The spread of video and photographic technology means that images can be used both as sources of data and as tools for data collection. The digital form much audio and video data now takes makes possible new ways of creating, processing and analysing such data. The parallel growth of the Internet also makes available new ways of collecting qualitative data and new settings in which to collect it. However, such developments raise issues about the way researchers collect, process and publish data and how they produce high quality analyses. Digital technology has also meant that new ways of analysing data through computer assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) are now possible. There is now a range of such software and, in response to demand, developers are still adding new features and functions that researchers need to understand. The diversity of software means that there is a need for standards for storing and exchanging qualitative data and analyses. Nevertheless, there is still much debate about the degree to which CAQDAS can itself produce qualitative analysis or merely assist with its development by human researchers. At the same time there is now evidence of analytic developments made possible by the use of new technology. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs020287Downloads
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How to Cite
Gibbs, G. R., Friese, S., & Mangabeira, W. C. (2002). The Use of New Technology in Qualitative Research. Introduction to Issue 3(2) of FQS. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(2).
Thematic Issue
Copyright (c) 2002 Graham R. Gibbs, Susanne Friese, Wilma C. Mangabeira

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.