The Anthropology of Urban Comparison: Urban Comparative Concepts and Practices, the Entrepreneurial Ethnographic Self and Their Spatializing Dimensions


  • Alexa Faerber University of Vienna



figurational sociology, cross-cultural comparison, sociology of space, spatial analysis, refiguration of spaces, urban anthropology, anthropology of knowledge, entrepreneurial self, ethnography, Berlin, Moscow


In this article, I discuss comparison in urban anthropology from two perspectives. Using the fundamental epistemological significance of comparison as a starting point for all ethnographic cultural studies, I first present different comparative perspectives in urban anthropology and their concepts. These range from typological thinking to urban specificity and relational urbanity. Secondly, I examine comparison from the perspective of the anthropology of knowledge as an everyday academic practice in order to understand its subjectification and spatial dimensions. The possibilities and limitations of comparison resulting from everyday academic practice are thus seen as a prerequisite for establishing any concept of comparison. Finally, I critically explore the specific requirements of ethnographic comparison via the figure of the entrepreneurial-ethnographic self.


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Author Biography

Alexa Faerber, University of Vienna

Alexa FÄRBER is a professor in the Department of European Ethnology at the University of Vienna. She teaches and conducts research in urban anthropology, the anthropology of knowledge, and audio-visual research. Using assemblage research, she works on the (in)escapability of urban promises, frequently applies the anthropology of knowledge to (her own) academic everyday life, and runs the blog




How to Cite

Faerber, A. (2021). The Anthropology of Urban Comparison: Urban Comparative Concepts and Practices, the Entrepreneurial Ethnographic Self and Their Spatializing Dimensions: . Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 22(3).



The Refiguration of Spaces and Cross-Cultural Comparison II