Not Lost in Translation: Multi-Perspective Collaborative Analysis With the Listening Guide, Illustrated by a Case of a Woman in Combat
female combatants, personal interview analysis, multidisciplinary research, collaboration, language and translation, feminist research, listening guide, voice-centered listeningAbstract
The listening guide (LG) is a qualitative methodology developed by GILLIGAN (1982) and colleagues (BROWN et al., 1988), rooted in relational feminist psychology. In this paper, we present the potential of its methods for nuanced analysis of interview data when working together as a multidisciplinary and multinational team. To this end, we describe our collaborative process as Israeli and German scholars analyzing a sample piece of data from an interview with a female combat soldier. We highlight how using LG methods with an explicit focus on the social context of the interview and the data analysis enhanced our understanding of the data. In addition, we outline the ways in which using these methods was helpful in focusing on the collaborative process and promoting a reflexive stance as well as transparency about the analysis process. Since working with translated data is a necessity for a multilingual collaboration, we also discuss how using LG methods draws attention to language, grammar, and embedded meanings. We conclude that the LG methods we used are beneficial to collaborative research processes, especially when researchers use them to attend to different levels of social embeddedness of the narratives in data, data collection, and data analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marie-Luise Springmann, Shir Daphna-Tekoah, Ayelet Harel, Beatrice Hendrich, Mechthild Kiegelmann

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