Situating Cogenerative Dialogue in a Cosmopolitan Ethic
authenticity criteria, Belmont Report, beneficence, cogenerative dialogue, cosmopolitanism, ethics, human subject research and prolonged engagementAbstract
In this article, we acknowledge the transformative nature of cogenerative dialogues and focus on the ethical dimension of the practice in order to move educational research, classrooms and schools beyond the current conceptions of what is ethical. Utilizing a fusion of the Belmont Report with nuanced notions of fourth generation evaluation procedures, we root cogenerative dialogues in a philosophical approach to cosmopolitanism that acknowledges the differences between multiple participants, multiple fields, and varying ways of knowing and being. Firstly, we consider how rooting the character of the truly ethical research act in a cosmopolitan ideal can attain participant beneficence. Secondly, we consider how to avoid the potential pitfalls of authenticity criteria in the practice of cogenerative dialogues by enacting practices that maximize tactical authenticity. Our approach to cogenerative dialogues serves as a method for critique and analysis that challenges our current practice and considers the ethics of cogenerative dialogues in inner city schools in a new light. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0602390Downloads
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How to Cite
Emdin, C., & Lehner, E. (2006). Situating Cogenerative Dialogue in a Cosmopolitan Ethic. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 7(2).
FQS Debate: Qualitative Research and Ethics
Copyright (c) 2006 Christopher Emdin, Ed Lehner

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.