To the Top. Micropolitics of Career Planning of Social Scientists
science as profession, micropolitics, media and science, transformation of higher educationAbstract
Science is a peculiar field of profession—with changing features depending on changing values and the role of media. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the current development in the field of German social scientists concerning the new conception of raising German higher education and science to the international standard. The introduction of associate professorship (Junior Professor), the standardization of departments at universities and the new way of distributing resources include only a few of the important factors that contribute in changing the values in science. As a result promising young scientists need to put much more scientific effort and much more micropolitics to work their way up and to get to the top. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0402165Downloads
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How to Cite
Reichertz, J. (2004). To the Top. Micropolitics of Career Planning of Social Scientists. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(2).
FQS Debate: We Are Talking About Ourselves!
Copyright (c) 2004 Jo Reichertz

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